Friday, January 14, 2011

New Camera Bag

I acquired a new 55-100 mm lens for my camera back in October. At first I didn't use it much because I couldn't attach it to my camera and put it in my camera bag. Thus came my quest for a new bag to store my camera and now TWO lenses. I have been on a site called Clickin' Moms as a way to learn more about photography and someone mentioned OF COURSE! Duh! It was my a-ha moment and I was off in search of a fun new bag.

It took me a bit to find just the one I wanted. I didn't want to spend too much but had to have something that worked for all my equipment and maybe more. So I finally found this beauty by Janine King Designs. It is pretty and functional. The only thing I miss is having a zipper to keep things tightly secure. Oh worth the pretty that I will learn to live without it!


  1. Gorgeous print! I think I love photography accessories as much as photography! I got mine from etsy for xmas and I'm totally in love with it! In the pic below-it's one on left!

  2. Oops! Link is:
